The Family Continuity Blueprint
The Family Continuity Blueprint was conceived as a tool to help families and their advisors get a clear picture of where they are and where they want to go.
It can serve as an important first step in a process.
The world of family business and wealth always gets complex when it comes time to figure out the best ways of getting it from one generation to the next.
The first goal of the FCBP is to get a true, factual picture, on one piece of paper, of what is at stake. Clarifying the situation is always a productive first step.
Many parents shy away from important discussions they know they need to have with the rising generation. Making the FCBP a family project is a novel way to get families to begin sharing their views on this critical matter.
You can’t keep everyone in the dark forever. To initiate important discussions about business and asset ownership and their future transitions, you need to know where you are starting from today.
Completing the FCBP might be just the excuse you need to begin having these discussions.