Providing Clarity Can Bring Change of All Kinds

One of the aspects that I love about my practice serving enterprising families is the variety of situations I get exposed to.

And sometimes the way things flow from one day to the next brings up interesting juxtapositions that kind of make me shake my head.

This happened again recently, and it made me realize that I wanted to share something about that here, but I needed a way to tie the cases together in a semi-coherent fashion.

So I landed on providing clarity, and we’ll see if I can turn this recent set of circumstances into something useful and entertaining.

Good and Ugly Versions (Also Sometimes Bad)

With apologies to Clint Eastwood and the movie title from back in the ‘60’s, we’re only looking at two scenarios I’m currently dealing with, so there is no “bad” version, just “good” and “ugly”.

Working with family members who own a business or assets together can bring me into situations with lots of promise for helping them achieve even greater things, and these are always fun to get involved with.

Other times, I get called in when things are going off the rails a bit (or a lot), which sometimes has me trying to help them avoid the worst outcomes. 

As you might imagine, these types of clients are not as much fun to work with.

As a self-confessed “life-long-learner”, I look at such cases as a learning laboratory for me, and a chance to work on different skills, like mediation.

The Swiss-Army Knife Approach

When I think about why some client situations seem attractive to me, part of what sometimes gets me interested is that chance to try to add value in cases where the outcome may not be rosy.

Such cases cause me to stretch and learn, and add more tools to my tool chest, or more prongs to the Swiss-Army knife that I sometimes like to think of myself as.

So let’s get into some of the details of my recent schedule, which saw me with the “Sanders” family on Thursday, followed by the “Fletcher” brothers case Friday.

The situations are about as far apart as they can be for people in my line of work, and I pride myself on being comfortable in either scenario.

Optimizing the Post-Liquidity Family Office

“Rob Sanders” contacted me last fall, after hearing about me from someone he trusted.  

Their family had begun some work on their “Family Office project” a while back, but the firm they used wasn’t able to continue to guide them on their journey.

After speaking with him and learning about the situation, I realized that this was a case where my partners at Blackwood Family Enterprise Services would be able to create a more detailed and durable solution in line with what the client was looking for.

We entered into a full “discovery project” with all family members, culminating in an all-day, in-person family meeting, which took place on a recent Thursday at an airport hotel of a large Canadian city.

By the end of the day, every family member had a great deal more clarity of what the family was trying to do, and how each family member could play a part.

We set the stage for some follow-on guidance that we can continue to provide the family going forward.


Keeping Things On the Rails a Bit Longer

After a fun and productive day with the Sanders family, I drove less than an hour and spent the night in another hotel, wondering how different the following day with members of the Fletcher family would be.

A month or so back in The “Plan A” FamBiz Transition Mirage, we looked at how so many families wrongly assume that passing down equal ownership and management responsibility to the next gen will work out well.

The Fletchers are a textbook case, and when two siblings can’t even speak to each other, it makes it difficult to run a company together.

When you layer in other complex family dynamics, things can go south in a hurry.

The clarity that I’m trying to help bring to them is that what they’ve attempted to do isn’t working.

I’m also trying to help them clarify what options they have ahead of them to minimize the damage that they may be doing to their family and their business.

Unfortunately, sometimes avoiding the ugly is about the best we can do.

My Annual Favourite Events Tour Begins Anew

Every year there are a series of events in the family enterprise space that I make every effort to attend, as a way of keeping up with the field and picking up topics to share about here in this weekly blog.

Regular readers will recognize that SG-FECC, the Schlesinger Global Family Enterprise Case Competition, is always the first one on my calendar each year, as it takes place during the second week of January.

I’ve been fortunate to be able to serve as a judge there almost every year for the past decade, and I typically share something about it here each time.

This year is no different, but I’m taking a bit of a different angle on what I’m sharing this time, as I had a bit of an A-Ha moment.

I always leave that event inspired for the future, and this year is no exception.

The Judges’ Preparation Sessions

The competition between teams from a couple of dozen Universities begins on Wednesday, and the best teams make it to the final round on Saturday.

There is a different family business case for each day, and while the teams are busy preparing to present their solution to the case, the judges all get together to prepare for what we expect to see during the students’ presentations.

While I’ve been involved in these sessions over the years, typically over two days of judging each year, this year resulted in a bit of an A-Ha moment for me.

The hour and a half or so we spend together with our judging panel, along with the panels assembled for the other divisions, is really an exercise in collective intelligence development.

Collective Wisdom + Intention & Effort = Collective Intelligence

I think most people are familiar with the term “collective wisdom”, and all of the assembled judges each arrive with their own life history related to family business in some way.

Among us are other consultants like myself, but also academics who study and work with family enterprises, as well as people who are part of business families.

So we begin each day’s discussion with a great deal of wisdom in the room, but then there’s an intentional effort to take all of that wisdom and turn in into collective intelligence through sharing.

A thoughtful discussion takes place, lead by experienced professors who are used to leading such discussions, where we talk about the case, as well as what we expect the students to present.

This is done first with the entire group of 25-30 people, all sharing our thoughts, perspectives, questions, and ideas.

After that we spend time with our individual judging panels, getting to know one another and planning some questions we expect we’ll want to ask during the Q & A section.

Now Let’s Share Again

Then to make sure we’ve gleaned as much as we can from the group, we go around the room and share some more.

Each lead judge shares some of the items that their panel unearthed, so that we can all learn from each other again.

My big take-away is that when you have a bunch of people in a room, all of whom are bringing their own experience and wisdom, it takes some effort and intention to really maximize what everyone can walk away with.

Time and a facilitated discussion are needed to make sure that we get the most out of each other.

As someone who works with groups of family members, there are some reminders and lessons there.

And It’s Never Sufficient!

Inevitably, though, at least one of the student teams will present something nobody expected or foresaw, despite the efforts made to get out ahead of them.

And herein lies another lesson for those who work with families.

We can prepare all we want, even discuss in advance with colleagues who have been working with families for decades, and we never know what might arise.

We always need to be ready for the unexpected, and be prepared to deal with whatever happens to show up that day.

And the Winners Are….

After Saturday’s finals, the winners of the Undergraduate League are from the University of Alabama, and the Graduate League champions are from Babes-Bolyai University (Romania).

Kudos as always to the awesome team of UVM volunteers who make it all happen without a hitch.

I look forward to returning again in 2026.

Only in the Dictionary, Nowhere Else

This week we’re returning to some territory that’s been covered here before, but is so important that I want to underscore it again, with some new insights.

Almost a decade ago I first shared some thoughts on this subject in Understanding AND Agreement, noting that it’s important for both to be present, even though in many family enterprise situations you can have one but not the other.

In the intervening years, as I’ve been involved in and exposed to many more real world family scenarios, I’ve become more convinced that the only place agreement should come before understanding is in the dictionary.

Otherwise, the potential for chaos is high.

A Simple Example, Thanks to My Dad

My late father gets a shout out here every once in a while, and it’s usually positive, but not always.

See: No Dad, Coaching Is NOT “Helping Losers”.

Some of his teachings are indelible though, and this one is the perfect simple example about the importance of understanding before agreement.

“Work out all of the details first, and THEN agree to the price, otherwise you’ll end up in an argument”, he repeated many times.

Let me break this down, as it relates to a specific scenario where two parties are trying to agree to buy and sell something to one another.

Let’s take a house as our example. If we agree that I will pay you $500,000, but we haven’t yet defined all the terms and conditions, we’ll only end up with arguments later.

Exaggerating to make my point, imagine if, I thought it was clear that all the furniture was included, and that you’d move out in 10 days, and that I’d pay you $10,000 per year for the next 50 years.

Based on those terms, I’m sure you’d insist on revisiting the agreed price, or more likely kibosh the whole deal.

The Family Project Case Example

Regular readers may recall that I serve as a team project advisor for some participants in the Family Enterprise Advisor program of FEC.

See When Sudden Health Issues Threaten Transitions for another recent post about this.

A team I worked with recently came to the same conclusions about the importance of understanding before agreement quite readily.

Here’s an excerpt from a note I wrote to myself when I recognized their inspiration for this post:

We need to make sure everyone understands what is owned, how it’s owned, who manages what, who is expected to own and manage after, etc., before they can agree to the new scenario”

One of the biggest thrills I get in that project advisor role is seeing teams “get it”, i.e., seeing them grasp the real world part of what they’ve been learning about working with families, “in theory” during their course work together.

There’s nothing like dealing with real people trying to work through their challenges to help you “feel” your way to such breakthrough learning.

It Still Happens Far Too Frequently

A key takeaway reported after following that program is how important it is to work together as an interdisciplinary team of advisors, because no one person can serve all of a family’s needs.

In fact, much of the work of a project team just involves all of the team members coming to a common understanding of the family’s current reality.

When you try to provide solutions before you understand where the family is, never mind where they’re trying to go together, you’re often just adding to the confusion and complexity.

There really is no substitute for actually speaking with all the family members to figure out if they all understand things the same way, because in reality, that’s almost never the case.

Slowing the Family Down Is Hard

When I’m engaged by a family to work with them, it’s not unusual for them to want to make some quick progress.

One of the hardest aspects of this work is making the family slow down so that all family members can come to the same understanding of where they are, so that we can then co-create the future together.

Family leaders from the “NowGen” usually have a good idea of what they want, and assume that the “NextGens” should just agree to Mom and Dad’s plans.

That internal family desire for quick agreement runs counter to what I’m espousing here, so getting them to slow down so everyone understands, first, is a common obstacle, but well worth trying to work through.

The First Part Is Comparatively Easy

It feels like it’s been a while since I’ve given a shout out to my late father in this space, so in some ways this may be overdue.

He was an immigrant entrepreneur who lived the Canadian dream, arriving here with next to nothing as a teenager, and he went on to build a very successful family enterprise.

While working for him in various capacities during my younger years, I got to hear some important words of wisdom that will never leave me.

In addition to one of my favourites, about the fact that simple and easy are NOT the same thing, there’s the one hinted at above in the title to this post.

Experts Telling You What to Do

In the field in which I now spend all of my time, working with enterprising families and accompanying them through the challenges of their intergenerational transitions, I always meet families who’ve received great advice from expert advisors.

One of the issues the families can quickly run into is that while the “what to do” part of the advice sounded great, it fell short when it came time for the “how to do it” part.

Back to Dad, I can hear him saying for the umpteenth time, “First we need to figure out what to do, then we’ll worry about how to do it”.

He was good about finding the resources to help with the first part, but he was even better at figuring out the steps required to succeed at the second part.

He would listen to all sorts of ideas and advice, but would make up his own mind, always considering how to put the solution into place.

Examples from Family Wealth Transitions

Almost every time I get introduced to a family, there’s already been a good deal of work done with other professionals, to get some of the structure in place for their eventual wealth transition.

There are typically wills in place for the parents, there may have been some estate freezes in place to crystalize the value of a business for one generation so the growth can be more easily held by the next one, sizeable insurance policies may be in place, and some level of trust structure may already exist.

These families will have been well advised on these tools by well-meaning professionals, all of whom have served a number of other families with similar products.

These all fall under the heading of “what to do”.

The assumption that few have questioned along the way is, how is this all going to work with the members of my family?

“Well, just have a family meeting to tell them all” may be the extent of the advice they receive for that part. If only it were that simple.

The Tail Wagging the Dog

In such cases, which remain the norm, many decisions have already been made, before any conversations are even attempted with their offspring.

These plans are being made for a group of people, but those people, for whom all of this is ostensibly being done, have never been consulted.

The silent expectation that “we know best” is a given, along with the one about “they should just be happy with whatever we give them”.

I look at this as the tail wagging the dog, or a “bass ackwards” way to go about things.

And I recognize that I’m in the minority with this view

And I’m good with that.

Complexity and Co-Creation

In most families, the way to go about things that I outlined above is sufficient. But I’m not talking about “most families”.

When there is sufficient wealth that complex tools and structures are required, then it behooves the families to engage in much more thoughtful efforts to get it right.

The idea is to make the wealth last AND the family last, and that takes work.

A few months ago in The Family Conversations You Know You Need to Have we looked at some of this. Note the plural “conversations”, because this is not a “one and done” discussion.

The “How to do it” part can also benefit from some outside, unbiased guidance and support.

Families left to themselves can seldom achieve the level of discussion and conversations between generations that is necessary to get everyone into co-creation mode.

Thankfully, there are more people doing this work now to help them.

Can We Please Spend a Bit More Time on the Exit?

Part of what I enjoy so much about sharing my musings with readers in this space is that I get to bring together ideas from lots of sources and try to combine them in interesting ways every week.

This time we’re going to start with an idea I got from a new colleague, bring in some previous posts, and then incorporate some other ideas that I happened upon on LinkedIn.

Along the way, we’ll bring in various metaphors, and hopefully give everyone some new ideas around how we think about transitions from one generation to the next in a family enterprise context.

Building a Business, and then Exiting It

Let’s start by explaining the numbers in the title of this post. During a recent peer group meeting, a new colleague who happens to be a financial planner, shared an expression that’s become common parlance in his field.

“We typically mention that a business owner usually spends 60,000 to 80,000 hours building their business. But then when it comes time to transfer it, they usually spend between 8 and 10 hours on that.”

Well let’s just say that I’d never heard anyone frame it this way, so I jotted it down and knew that I’d soon be expounding upon this idea here.

This particular peer group is for those who work with family enterprises and family wealth, and this new member of the group has long worked with non-family business people, so a straight sale to an outside party is what he was mostly referring to.

So let’s look at this from a family business viewpoint.

Ten Years or Fifteen Minutes?

One of my first thoughts when I heard the 60,000 to 10 ratio was a blog I wrote about three years ago, Contrasting Transition Timelines – 15 Minutes or 10 Years.

That line was from an acceptance speech for a Family Enterprise of the Year Award, where the recipient related the story about how, decades earlier, his father took only about 15 minutes to transfer the business to him, so he found it hard to believe when professional advisors would tell him that a good transition can take 10 years.

The moral of the story is that he now understands and agrees with the ten years, and that his father’s quick exit was pretty much a unicorn event.

The fifteen-minute version has the senior generation leader exit quickly, while the ten-year plan creates and allows for a period of shared leadership.

The Escalator Analogy

I also thought about an analogy I like and have written about, the one about the escalator.

See The Crowded Escalator Problem in Families

When someone is riding an escalator and they’re approaching the top (or bottom), they need to get off, and not step backwards.

In the case of the shared leadership period, it’s important for the parties to stay a safe distance apart, but you don’t need to wait for someone to disembark before getting on, because many people can ride together.

Congestion, Cohabitation, Turbulence

At the outset I mentioned some LinkedIn posts that I came upon as I was preparing to write this post.

A colleague had written something about a period of shared leadership as a “Période de Congestion” (this was in French) and I recognized that labeling it that way wouldn’t likely encourage families to work this way.

“Congestion” is often used here in referring to traffic jams and such, so I thought maybe “cohabitation” could work better.

As our comments went back and forth, she added that “turbulence” is also a term that gets used to describe this period. (Merci Martine!).

I suppose that just because it doesn’t sound lovely is not a reason to discount it, in fact I completely encourage it in almost every situation.

Learning to manage it well is the trick, of course.

Yes, It’s Messy. And It’s Necessary

For family enterprises, and for situations where there’s no operating business, but there is significant wealth and assets that are owned together with family, it’s important to make sure that what you are setting up is a transition, not a simple transfer.

See Don’t Transfer Family Wealth, Transition It

The time period where the leadership transitions will be messy at times, and that’s expected and completely normal.

And it is so necessary to make sure that the knowledge, skill, relationships, leadership and confidence are all moved down from one generation to the next.

We’re talking months and years, not minutes and hours.

The Two Basic Elements of Coaching Success

Working with families and other professionals who serve them as they plan their intergenerational wealth transitions can be rewarding, but also quite tricky at times.

The advisors who help out with structure and content solutions have interesting situations to try to resolve for, but for those who work more in what I often call the “family circle”, it can be even more complex.

The “soft issues” are actually the “really hard” parts of making everything work out in the end.

When I decided to plunge into this part of the field over a decade ago, the best advice I got (and which I have since shared with many others) was to go an do some coach training.

Listening Without Judgement, What a Concept!

When this was suggested to me, I did a Google search and was overwhelmed, so I went back to the person who gave me the advice (thanks JM) to help me narrow my search, she pointed me straight to the Co-Active Training Institute.

After my first 3-day weekend workshop, I was hooked, and I told my wife that even if this did not help me in my business, it would be sure to make me a better husband and father.

Over a decade later, I often share one of the most profound take-aways I got from the whole process, regarding the two main elements one needs to master to be a great coach.

I’ve share them in conversation countless times, but now realize that I haven’t shared them here explicitly enough, so here goes.

One of my coaching instructors at one point said, “Eighty percent of coaching comes down to two things: ‘listening without judgement’, and ‘being with’.”

Another Inspiration from a LinkedIn Post

I post on LinkedIn regularly, and also go there to find out what else is going on in my professional circles.

One day while scrolling my timeline there recently, I saw a post that read, “EMPATHY is listening without judgement”.

In my work, high empathy is a key success factor, and I typically score pretty well on that metric, but I’d never thought about it in terms of “listening without judgement” until now.

But if forced to argue one side or the other on that, I think I’d prefer to defend that thesis.

I know plenty of people who listen with lots of judgement, including family members, and upon reflection, they’re far from empathetic.

I value my empathy, and believe that empathy is truly a worthwhile “value”, especially in my work with families.

What About “Being With”?

So I began to consider what value could be ascribed to the concept of “being with” someone.

After some Googling and poking around the internet, I finally landed on “Connection”, and I was pretty happy with that.

Until, that is, I looked into my family facilitation toolkit and pulled out a Values Edge card deck.

I went through it and was disappointed not to find a card with the word “connection” on it, although there were several others that were pretty close.

So I’ve decided to settle on Empathy and Connection as keys I learned from coach training, as they apply to my work with families.

But I still have a problem figuring out what to call this family circle work.

Coaching, Facilitation, and Accompanying Families

Earlier I referred to those professionals who work on structure and content as key advisors who work with families.

The family work that I specialize in is all about process and relationships.

It involves coaching and facilitation, with an emphasis on the family’s human capital, but it’s hard to put a label on those.

As I noted last year in On Coaching, Parenting and Sub-Optimal Translations, I really prefer the French word for coaching, “accompagnement”, because what I do is truly “accompany” a family on their journey together.

Guidance and Holding Space

This work involves a number of skills and ways of being, including empathy and connection, which are valuable abilities when working with groups of people.

There’s also a lot of guidance and holding the space involved, which are also difficult to put a simple label on.

See also Choosing Your FamBiz Tour Guide and Holding the Courageous, Compassionate Space for a Family.

As I await the “perfect” name for this work, I have a Zoom background banner calling myself a Family Legacy Guide, and a business card where I call myself an Independent Advisor to Families.

Not perfectly clear, but clear enough.

Stop Kicking the Can Down the Road

When speaking about the kind of work I do with families, the way I explain myself is always evolving.

When I got into this a little over a decade ago, much of what I said had to do with how I was hoping to have a positive impact on client families, but it was more theoretical then.

As I have now served many families, the vocabulary and expressions I use today are based on the experience I’ve gained over the years, and are more refined.

As I use certain expressions with prospects, clients, and colleagues, I’m always conscious of their reactions, so I can see what lands well and what resonates best.

I’ve recently been using a bit of a one-two punch that I’m starting to really like, and so that’s where we’ll be going this week.

Having Important Conversations with Family

The first of those punches is to simply note the fact that families really just need to learn to have conversations with each other.

The idea of speaking together, regularly, about subjects that are important to their future, is actually relatively easy for people to grasp.

When you contrast that with not speaking, not sharing, not setting expectations, not asking questions, not learning to agree on how you want things to play out, it isn’t difficult to get people’s heads nodding.

So the first part of my explanation of the work I do is all about noting that families should be having more conversations about their future, especially as it relates to the ownership and management of their wealth.

More silence and secrecy is not what the doctor ordered.

This Isn’t a Surprise to Anyone

So if the first punch is about simply getting families to have more conversations, what’s the second punch?

I’m glad you asked.

After mentioning that conversations among family members is the key, I now always follow up with the fact that these families already know that they should be talking about these subjects.

Every single one of these families already knows that they should be doing this”, I typically say.

And that of course begs the question about why they aren’t doing this, if they already know that they should?

Well, I also know that I should exercise more and eat less, and yet here we are.

Really? I Never Thought of That!

I can promise you that when speaking with family members about the importance of having more discussions about such matters, I have yet to have a response like “Really, we should be talking about this?”, or “Hmmm, I never thought of that”.

Everyone knows that such conversations would be useful to have, and yet what so often happens is that the leading generation frets about how to have such discussions productively, while the rising generation’s questions about their roles and expectations continue to go unanswered.

The simplest answers as to why families don’t have such conversations are that they don’t know how to start them, and that they fear they will not go well.

Many times it’s partly because such conversations were in fact attempted, but for any number of reasons, things did not go well, so any ideas of restarting the process are met with serious “second thoughts”.

An Unbiased Non-Family Facilitator to the Rescue

My Dad called a family meeting in 1985. It was not well received, as he decided to run it himself, and not to engage an unbiased non-family facilitator.

Our next family meeting did not occur until 2006, and that was only in response to his cancer diagnosis.

These meetings can get into some deep subjects, and families typically don’t have a lot of experience in handling such topics on their own.

A huge part of what a facilitator brings is to take charge of the process and make sure that everyone feels safe, so that everyone can feel heard.

This can take a few meetings to achieve, but a good facilitator will normalize this fact and accompany the family on their journey, at whatever speed and pace makes sense for them.

Strive for Progress, Not for Perfection

It takes time for families to learn how to be together while addressing important topics around the future of their wealth.

It can also take a while for them to recognize that they can in fact make progress on this journey.

A facilitator helps with all of this.

An Under-Appreciated Skill of Facilitators

During any given week, I speak to many people involved in working with families who plan to transition their wealth to the next generation.  

These conversations include those with members of my client families, discussions with prospective family clients, peer discussions with other professionals I already work with, as well as a variety of professionals in peripheral fields.

Unfortunately, a large percentage of these conversations occurs with folks who really have little appreciation for the subtleties of how to actually do the facilitation part of this work well.

During a recent call with Melissa, my long-time coach, I said something about “holding the space”, which she certainly “gets”, but then quickly wondered how many others with whom I speak regularly actually have even a minimal grasp of what that means in practice.

So that’s where we’re going this week.

A Serendipitous Confirmation for This Post, Now

So I knew that I’d scrawled something in my notebook about a blog on holding the space, and forgot about it.

The next day, while scrolling through my LinkedIn feed, I came upon a brief video by a colleague with whom I’m currently working, and so I watched what he shared with interest.

While he didn’t refer to how he “holds the space” (which he does exceedingly well) when meeting with clients, he did talk about how important it is for a facilitator to emphasize courage and compassion when working through issues between family members.

After adding my comments of appreciation to his post, I went to my notebook to jot down that idea as a future blog subject.

When I flipped the page back, I saw my previous note about holding space and it hit me, this is simply another part of that same subject.

So this now becomes a 2-for-1 blog. (For the same zero dollars!)

Making It Safe for Everyone Present

When family members gather to discuss matters related to the assets that they own together, there are typically a number of imbalances to contend with.

People from some generations have more power, knowledge and control than others, siblings play various roles (or none at all), some are intimately familiar with the subject and others feel more like bystanders.

And yet, they need to come together occasionally to discuss matters, so that they can get comfortable with how they’re going to make decisions for their common benefit, and how they are going to communicate going forward.

If you’ve never been in a room with people who are trying to do that, it can be a little bit intimidating.

Being invited by a family to play the role of facilitator for such meetings is a privilege that is not to be taken lightly.

As I often mention, the root word of “facilitator” is “facile”, which is the French word for “easy”, so my job is to make things easier.

Coming Prepared for Anything

A few months back, in Bringing the Weather (and a Deck of Cards), we looked at the fact that leading such meetings requires taking control of some key factors, like speaking order and the floor time each person gets to speak.

We also noted that the role is all about process, and not so much about content.

The content comes from the family participants, but the flow of how things play out is navigated by the facilitator.

As I reconsider the term “holding the space”, it occurs to me that there’s also a huge time element involved as well.

Knowing when to break, sensing varying energy levels or frustration, and reading the room are all part of the equation.

This can get easier with practice, and the more meetings you run, the better you get at it, and when you get to work with the same family members over and over that also helps a lot, because you (hopefully) develop a comfort level with one another.

Moving the Family in the Right Direction

The discussions families have together in these meetings are important, because they deal with intense subjects, which can stir up emotions.

The facilitator is there to ensure that everyone feels safe and heard, and that’s where the courage and compassion often come into play.

My goal for each meeting is always to keep the family moving in a positive direction, and learning how to be together in ways that they can discuss matters in a productive way.

The End Result of a Great Wealth Transition

This week we’re looking at a subject from a bit of a different angle, as I’ve decided to share my thoughts on a recent book that I want readers to be aware of.

As an avid learner, I consume my share of reading material every year, but occasions where I dedicate an entire blog post to one particular book have been pretty rare.

Well, Dr. Tom Deans has just published his third book, The Happy Inheritor, and based on the sales of his previous efforts, I expect that many people will read it, if they haven’t already.

I’ve been a fan of Deans’ work since I met him over a decade ago, and we’ve shared thoughts and conversations over the years, as we both toil in the field of family wealth transitions, and are both proud Canadians.

Feeling Compelled to Write and Share

Deans recently told me that he had not planned to write a third book, but then he seized upon a subject that he felt that he couldn’t let go of.

As an author and public speaker, he kept meeting people from wealthy families who were failing to follow what to him were some pretty straightforward recommendations when planning their wealth transfers.

Some great clues as to what to expect from the book come right from the front cover, where the secondary title reads “How successful families prepare heirs and transfer wealth”.

The fact that we both agree on the need to prepare heirs shouldn’t come as much of a surprise to my regular readers.

But there’s another line on the book’s cover that may seem a bit further afield from my writings, to wit, “Many people transfer family wealth with great care and joy, while others use it to control and destroy.

While I can write provocatively at times, that’s a line I would not have come up with on my own.

Regular Family Meetings

If I had to boil the book’s message down to one statement, it would be something like this:

The best way to ensure a happy inheritance is to make sure that the whole family meets together regularly to discuss their wealth transfer plan, “with kindness, care and joy” (quote from the back cover).

My regular readers will recognize this recommendation, as it is something I’ve repeated here in various ways over the decade plus I’ve been sharing my thoughts on this overall subject.

While some families hope that they can accomplish a lot by having one single big meeting, where they download the leading generation’s “instructions” as a monologue, Deans seems to agree that a series of regular forums, where ideas are discussed between generations, is a more durable solution.

Beware the Covert Narcissist – Hiding in Plain Sight

I would be remiss in sharing my thoughts on The Happy Inheritor if I skipped over a very important secondary theme that Deans tackles throughout the book.

I already hinted at it above, and it’s all about the fact that in some families, there are some figures who are actually working towards a more nefarious goal, and enjoy using their wealth to “control and destroy”.

He spends a good portion of the book detailing these “covert narcissists” that exist in many families, and the fact that these people are often hard to detect because they always come off as nice and agreeable.

These people always say nice things and seem very friendly, yet they quietly go about trying to control everything and everyone in harmful ways.

These folks don’t exist in every family, thankfully, but they are more prevalent than you might imagine, and they can completely kibosh wealth planning for their family.

Understanding Appropriate Expectations

When you get right down to it, planning for the intergenerational transition of wealth in a family comes down to everyone understanding what’s expected.

As I wrote in Striving for the All AND Nothing Inheritance, most parents would be thrilled to know that they could leave all of their considerable wealth to their offspring without worrying whether or not they could handle it, while at the same time understanding that even if they left their next generation with nothing, that would also turn out alright.

The best way to make sure that appropriate expectations are met, is to talk about them together on a regular basis, in structured family meetings, ideally with the help of an independent facilitator.


Can You Guess My Preference?

This week we’re looking at a topic that comes up often in my work, but isn’t necessarily spoken about front and center.

It’s usually right below the surface, though, and it speaks to one of my mantras, or at least one that I’m beginning to flex more often.

I recently spent a day with several members of a business family I’ve been working with for a while now, and because a significant part of our meeting was educational in nature, I ended up repeating it a few times.

In fact, because I heard myself saying it over and over in different (but related) contexts, it also rose to top of mind potential blog status.

Family Business Governance 101

The morning began with some basics around family business and the governance systems they need, and the way that governance typically evolves as they mature and grow, especially as the families prepare to transition things to the next generation.

I went over the Three Circle Model (Tagiuri and Davis) and the Four Room Model (Lachenaeur and Baron), and shared my definition of what governance boils down to. See: Succession Without Governance Equals Chaos

And as I talked about the changes and transitions that occur in each of the three circles, as well as in other areas, I kept coming back to the speed of the transitions, and how long they can be expected to take.

Gradual changes are almost always better than sudden changes”, I stated, probably 4 or 5 times during the day.

At one point I actually added, “I just figured out my blog topic for this weekend”.

Family Changes Are Typically Gradual

If we think about changes and how they happen in the family circle, they are usually pretty gradual in nature.

When there’s an addition to the family, it usually comes after 9 months of pregnancy or some period of engagement before a wedding.

Exits from the family can be more sudden, as some people die unexpectedly or get separated without much warning.

But this just goes to emphasize my point that the gradual transitions are easier to take, because people have a chance to accept and prepare for what’s coming.

The suddenness of an accidental death or of a marriage breakdown are part of what makes them so jarring.

Business Circle Changes Vary

When we think about the business circle and how changes happen there, it’s kind of a mixed bag.

Building an extension to your plant takes months or years of planning, but firing someone can happen more quickly.

Again, though, when things happen in a sudden fashion, the waves that are made are more troublesome than when people have had a chance to adjust and prepare for the new reality.

Entering a new market takes months of planning and can be exciting for employees to get behind, but making a decision to close something down is usually quicker and can be quite demoralizing.

The good things proceed slowly, the bad ones quickly.

Ownership Changes at Glacial Speed

We’ve now arrived at the last circle, which gets the least attention. See Ownership: The Forgotten Circle in Family Business. There are good reasons why this circle moves the slowest.

Whereas the governance of the family is usually very informal, and the governance of the business is likely “semi-formal”, the ownership is usually governed by s shareholders’ agreement, which is typically very formal.

Changing a shareholders’ agreement normally requires all of the current shareholders to agree on the new one.

And because looking at updating an agreement only usually occurs after many years, the new circumstances will usually be quite different, meaning that the likelihood of everyone agreeing again has decreased.

Build in Some Flexibility

My view, which only came to me in the days following that meeting, is that the key is to revise the shareholders’ agreement very infrequently, BUT to make sure that there’s plenty of flexibility built into it.

You can determine share classes and their various attributes in a durable way, all the while allowing various people’s percentage of ownership to change as needed. See The Two Most Essential Components of FamBiz Ownership.

Gradual ownership transition, from one generation to the next, makes a lot of sense.

If you create an agreement that allows for that to happen in a relatively simple fashion, without requiring the reworking of the whole agreement, you’ll be way ahead.

Never forget: sudden changes don’t work as well as gradual ones.